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HomeEconomyThrough the package, the government took the right initiative to bring the...

Through the package, the government took the right initiative to bring the economy back on track

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new Delhi. Economically, every country has suffered a tremendous setback due to corona and lockdown. In India, it has affected millions of people. To bring it back on track, an economic package has been announced by the government, which has been welcomed by all the people associated with the industry. Know their opinion on this issue.

Ramachandra Chaudhary, founder of Sun Resolution Professional Privat Limited, considers the package given by the government as a reform package. This initiative will help fulfill the dream of making India self-reliant. If we talk about direct profit, then it is quite less in proportion to the package. But the commendable thing is that all the areas have been included in the package. Only after the distribution system is smooth, the benefit of this package will reach the person standing in the last row. The most impact of Corona virus has taken place in the urban areas, the government increased the allocation in MNREGA so that the workers migrating from the city can get employment easily.

He believes that the collateral free loan scheme to MSME is a commendable step. Startups and other units will benefit the most from this. Apart from this, improvement in APMC Act is also a very bold step. This will greatly benefit the agricultural sector. Reforms in the Companies Act, reforms in the coal sector, indigenous priority in tenders, payment arrangements to the power company, e-marketing arrangements for MSMEs, all the sections will benefit from the one country one ration card scheme for the transferred laborers. However, Chaudhary does not agree to repeal the insolvency system law for a year.

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According to Bikas Jha, country head of Real Networks India Private Limited, in this epidemic, the government has taken care of every section, be it MSMEs, farmers, laborers, real estate, food sector and street vendors or anyone else. The government has distributed the 20 lakh crore package very well. According to him, it may be difficult in the beginning but in the coming time every sector of the country will learn how to become self-sufficient. He has also praised the online education exercise being undertaken by the government during this period. According to him, for those who do not have internet facility, Prabha DTH channels have been launched on their own, so that e vidya can see new height in digital and online.



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