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Home Personal Finance Big News! 16 crore injection is also GST free, big decision in...

Big News! 16 crore injection is also GST free, big decision in council meeting

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In the meeting of the GST Council, it was decided to exempt the world’s most expensive drug Zolgngelsma from GST.

New Delhi. Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman announced several important decisions after the GST Council meeting on Friday. In the meeting, it was decided to exempt the world’s most expensive drug Zolgngelsma from GSAT. Apart from this, another expensive imported drug Viltepso was exempted from GST. Let us tell you that the cost of one dose of these imported medicines is about Rs 16 crore. They are counted among the most expensive medicines in the world.

GST exemption has also been decided on many lifesaving medicines. Sitharaman said that some lifesaving medicines which are very expensive, which are used more for children. These are not related to Corona. Such drugs are exempted from GST. Now GST will not be applicable on this. Two such important drugs are Zolgensma and Viltepso.

GST exemption will continue on Corona medicine The
Finance Minister also announced that the GSAT rate on medicines related to the treatment of Corona, which was reduced till 30 September, has now been increased to 31 December. This reduction in GST rate is only for medicines like Remdesivir. This does not include medical equipment.

Petrol-diesel will not be included in GST,
while the Finance Minister put an end to the speculation of bringing petrol and diesel under the ambit of GST. He said that this is not the right time to consider bringing petrol and diesel under the ambit of GST.

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