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Unique Wedding: Air hostess Abhishek took the bride away from the e-rickshaw, meet Abhishek, this is how

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Dhanbad [Ashish Singh]. Amidst the lockdown, witness to this unique marriage became complete Dhanbad. Even though Count’s Chand Barati attended the wedding, everyone kept watching when Barat came out. Indian Idol fame Gandhi Nagar resident Abhishek Mishra made seven rounds with Air Hostess bride Simran on Wednesday night. The groom Raja came out of his house to get married, riding on an e-rickshaw to bring his bride. After the wedding, the air hostess took the wife to Toto for a visit to his house. The wedding was themed. To protect against corona virus, the people of the bride’s side were wearing red and the girls from the golden side were wearing golden colored masks. Abhishek Mishra, wearing a red mask wearing a mask to protect him from the corona, said – there is a need to protect and protect ourselves. If we are saved, we will also save the society.

Baratis welcomed with sanitizer

Indian Idol fame Abhishek Mishra married his girlfriend Patna resident Simran Anand on Wednesday night. Riding on an e-rickshaw from the house in Gandhi Nagar, Abhishek dancing and singing with Barat reached the wedding venue in Chanakya Nagar. The procession was called off after customs at home. E-rickshaws were attractively decorated for Abhishek. Abhishek himself drove a rickshaw for a short distance. Separate carriage was arranged for the boatmen. Only 35 people were involved in the wedding due to the lockdown. Abhishek’s wife Simran Anand is a resident of Patna. His family members had reached Dhanbad two days earlier from Patna.

Masked fiercely with a mask

The bararatis covered their faces with masks. As the film song played, I could not stop myself from snorting. The girls with dances also danced fiercely. After reaching the wedding venue, everyone’s hand was sanitized. Abhishek Mishra’s friends could not attend due to the lockdown. Abhishek made his marriage completely online. The wedding ceremony was being done live from Abhishek’s official Instagram profile with the zoom app.

The college where engineering became the chief guest, fell in love with Simran here

In December last year, Indian Idol Season-3 finalist Abhishek Mishra got engaged to Air Asia’s Air Hostess Simran Anand at Hotel Pataliputra Continental in Patna. The lockdown led to the wedding on Wednesday. Abhishek has sung songs in many regional songs, commercials, serials. Has worked with almost everyone in the Hindi film industry. United States, Britain, Australia, Africa, China, Hong Kong, Has done more than 1000 live shows worldwide including Bangladesh etc. His big songs like Red Chillies and Dharma Productions are coming soon. Abhishek completed computer engineering from Sir MVIT Bangalore. In 2015, the same college was invited as the chief guest for the presentation of the convocation. Here Abhishek first saw Simran Anand. Simran was studying his engineering and was sitting in the audience. She had her second meeting on the flight in 2019, four years later, where she was an air hostess and boarded Prem Parwan from here. After this they decided to get married.

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Families celebrated within a month

Initially there was some problem due to interracial marriage. The two somehow persuaded the family to come together. The family met each other. Emotions were understood and ready for marriage. Abhishek and Simran say that caste should never be a hindrance. Love, respect, humanity and trust matter the most in any relationship. Simran’s village is in Patelia, District Samastipur, Bihar. Born and raised in Patna, completed schooling from Vizag (Visakhapatnam). For the past two years, Air Asia has served as an air hostess. Simran’s family lives in Phulwarisharif near AIIMS, Patna.




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