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These three rules will give you freedom from corona infection in unlocking life


Ranvijay Singh. COVID-19 Outbreak: The number of Kovid-19 patients is steadily increasing. This threat has increased since Unlock-1 was implemented. In such a situation, avoid getting stressed under infection. At this time, the government and society will have to work together. To prevent this epidemic, it is necessary to follow the rules of science and to avoid corona, distance from the crowd is the most important tonic. The public has been given a lot of leeway in Unlock-1, but the risk of corona infection remains.

To avoid this, it is important to take care of physical distance, nutritious diet and hygiene. If we take the usual preventive measures seriously then we will definitely be safe from infection … Learn what is said by Dr. Jugal Kishore, Head of the Department of Preventive and Community Medicine, Safdarjung Hospital, New Delhi. 

Mask made part of life: It is important to take care of yourself while exiting. As long as the corona infection remains intact, the mask will have to remain part of its life. Influenza infection will also occur in the coming days. Therefore the mask will protect against corona as well as influenza.

Spit lasts for several hours: The habit of spitting in public places in our country is a social evil. A large number of people here eat pan masala, gutkha and tobacco. Whereas this is not something without which life cannot go on. Infection can be reduced by skipping its intake. This will protect itself as well as society, because the virus remains in the spit for several hours. Because of this, others are at risk of corona infection. Do not smoke at all and if someone smokes then refuse it too. As it is illegal to spit and spit in public place and there is a provision for fine on it.

Go to the market only if necessary: Many people have the habit of roaming in the market. The market is crowded and the physical distance law is not easy to follow. Go to the market only when it is very important. Now a lot of things are available online in cities. It would be better to use online shopping. If you go to the market, take special care of physical distance.

Virus is not very deadly: In spite of adopting all the preventive measures, even if one gets infected, there is no need to panic, because this virus is not very deadly. Mild infections are seen in most people in the country. Avoid panic and go to the hospital immediately if you have a mild infection. If there is a mild infection, the disease is cured within five to seven days. Therefore, if there is a cough, cold, you can stay away from other family members at home. If there is a sore throat, gargle with lukewarm water. Also steam it. If you have a mild fever, you can take his medicine. If fever is high and there is trouble in breathing, then hospitalization is needed. This epidemic can be overcome only by this method.

Nutritious diet is important: Eating milk, cottage cheese, pulses and other nutritious things in balanced amounts. Include fruits and green vegetables in the diet regularly. Take food nutritious and light and avoid overeating. Keep exercising and drink sufficient amount of water. Also get complete sleep. Due to this, immunity will remain good.

Take a bath after coming from the office: After coming from the office, many people have started a good habit that after taking the shoes out of the house, they go straight to the bath. All people have to follow it. After reaching home from office, clean your clothes and take bath. If there is an elderly person at home, avoid going to them.

Continue Work from Home: The government is also promoting Work from Home. It has been successfully operated by private companies in lockdown. Work from home needs to continue in the companies and departments where it is possible. According to the shift in offices, fewer number of employees should be called so that the work is not affected and the physical distance law can also be followed.

Have to keep in mind yourself: Some religious places have also opened in Unlock-1. People were not going to religious places for about two and a half months. Going to a religious place during this transition is not a very important task. There may be danger from the crowd. There have been many instances in the world when Corona got infected due to congestion at religious places. In Italy, there were cases of infection from church crowds.

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Keep distance: There should be cleanliness in the office as well in the house. It is necessary to clean the office two to three times daily. In addition, there should be complete arrangements for hand wash of employees. Employees should maintain a distance of at least two meters. Personal exchanges should be less and one should share less food with each other.

So do not travel: If cough, cold and mild fever do not go to office. Do not even travel in public vehicles if you have a cough, as it can cause infection to others. Wear a mask while traveling in public vehicles. The driver must also wear a mask in the cab. For the rescue, thermal scanning facility is required in bus, railway station and all offices.

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