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The tiger was roaming, then the dragon came in front then the ‘king of the jungle’ showed such cleverness … View full video


A tiger and a dragon (Tiger Vs Python) were encountered. This video is becoming quite viral (Viral Video). This video is being told of the Nagarahole National Park and Tiger Reserve in Karnataka (Karnataka)

Videos of animals are well liked on social media. You must have seen videos of lion, tiger and leopard hunting many times. But this time a tiger and dragon (Tiger Vs Python) was encountered. This video is becoming quite viral (Viral Video). This video is being described as outdated. This video was first seen on Instagram two years ago. Now Sushant Nanda, an officer of the Indian Forest Service, has shared this video on Twitter. 

The video is reported to be from the Nagarhole National Park and Tiger Reserve in Karnataka (Karnataka), which was filmed on 31 August 2018. It can be seen in the video that the tiger was roaming in the forest. Then a big dragon came in his way. He was lying in front of him. The tiger showed his shrewdness and left him. After crossing it, the tiger kept looking at the dragon for a long time and then left. 

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Sharing the video, Sushant Nanda wrote in the caption, ‘Tiger left the path of the dragon.’ 

This video was posted by Sushant on the morning of July 21, which has had more than 18 thousand views so far. Also, more than a thousand likes and more than 300 re-tweets have been done. People are enjoying this video very much. He has given such reactions on Twitter …


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