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Home Uncategorized Shocking News : Prime Minister Narendra Modi Twitter account hacked

Shocking News : Prime Minister Narendra Modi Twitter account hacked


Bangalore: A Twitter account linked to Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s personal website has been hacked, Twitter confirmed on Thursday. Prime Minister Modi’s website has been appealing through a series of tweets to help the cryptocurrency through the cryptocurrencies.

The hacked Twitter account of celebrities around the globe in July sparked a heated debate.

Twitter said it was keeping track of the activities taking place through Modi’s website and took steps to secure it.

‘We are actively investigating the situation. “We are currently unaware of the impact of other accounts,” a Reuters spokesman said

@narendramodi_in Modi’s office has not yet responded to posts posted on his Twitter account. This is the official Twitter account of Modi’s personal website ( www.narendramodi.in ) and the Narendra Modi mobile app. This Twitter account is being followed by 25 lakh people.

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This has no effect on Prime Minister Modi’s personal Twitter account. That account is being followed by 6.1 crore people.

Donate Bitcoin to the Prime Minister’s National Disaster Relief Fund for the Kovid-19 campaigns. A series of tweets have revealed that India is now using cryptocurrencies. Twitter has now deleted those tweets and taken the account under control.

In July, hackers infiltrated Twitter’s internal network and hacked Twitter accounts of US presidential candidate Joe Biden, former US President Barack Obama and billionaire Elon Musk. He demanded digital currency through those accounts.

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