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Pension New Rules: Government changed pension rules for employees, you can also make your children nominees

Pension New Rules: Government changed pension rules for employees, you can also make your children nominees

Pension New Rules: The government has made the pension rules better and easier than before. Now female government employees can nominate their children for pension. A female Central Government employee or pensioner can nominate her child as a pensioner in case a case of divorce, dowry or domestic violence is registered against her husband.

Pension New Rules : The government has made the pension rules better and easier than before. Now female government employees can nominate their children for pension. A female Central Government employee or pensioner can nominate her child as a pensioner in case a case of divorce, dowry or domestic violence is registered against her husband. The government has revised the Central Civil Services (Pension) rules. This is a new system.

Pension rules changed for women

The new report 2022 of the National Crime Records Bureau (NCRB) has revealed that in the cases of crime against women in 2022, 31.4 percent i.e. more than 1.40 lakh cases were reported due to ‘cruelty of husband or his relatives’. Apart from this, 13,479 cases were reported under Dowry Prohibition Act.

Government made changes in pension rules

According to the office memorandum, the Department of Pension and Pensioners’ Welfare said it received several representations seeking clarity on whether a woman employee or a pensioner would be in a position to file a divorce petition or a case in the court due to marital discord. Can nominate your children. The rules were changed after the department discussed the matter with the Ministry of Women and Child Development.

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