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Home India Manmohan Singh attacks BJP, says nation now appreciating UPA’s ‘good work’

Manmohan Singh attacks BJP, says nation now appreciating UPA’s ‘good work’

Manmohan Singh attacks BJP, says nation now appreciating UPA’s ‘good work’

NEW DELHI: Former PM Manmohan Singh on Thursday accused the Modi government of keeping “selfishness” and “hatred and division” at the root of its policies and intentions as he slammed the Centre over a host of issues.

In a video-message intended for Punjab, which goes to polls on February 20, he said, “Chinese soldiers are sitting inside our pious land…but efforts are being made to suppress this whole matter. Old friends are being alienated, while our relations with neighbouring countries are deteriorating.” He hoped that India’s “alienation” from its old friends would make the ruling dispensation realise that foreign relations do not improve through “forced embraces, swinging with leaders, or dropping in, uninvited, for biryani meals”.

“The fake nationalism of this government is equally hollow and dangerous,” he said, adding, “This government has no faith in the Constitution.”
Singh also said he had, as PM, let his work speak for itself and that he was “satisfied” that the “false propaganda” perpetrated by BJP’s “B and C teams” against him now stood “exposed” and the country was “fondly appreciating the good work done by the UPA between 2004 and 2014”.

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