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LPG: Now the delivery of LPG cylinder will be available at the desired time! But you will have to pay up to this amount, know the rules before booking

LPG Cylinder New Price: Now gas cylinder will be available for only Rs 750, get booking done immediately, know details

LPG Delivery Charges: Nowadays booking LPG cylinders and taking delivery has become much easier and faster than before. But now you have to pay some fixed charges for this special facility of LPG.

LPG Delivery Charges: Booking LPG cylinders and taking delivery has now become much easier than before. Earlier, customers had to wait on calls for a long time for booking and it used to take up to a week for delivery. But now you can book with just one missed call. And you also get delivery on the same day.

Will have to pay for delivery

But apart from this, there is another service that Indane offers to its customers, that is, they can decide when and at what time they want their LPG cylinders. That is, they can take delivery at their preferred time. Under this ‘Preferred Time Delivery System’, you choose both the day and the time at the time of booking. However, Indane also charges a small fee from the customers for this.

This is how it feels

Under this system, some options are given to the customers. Out of these the customer has to choose. Customers choose the day and time. Pay the fees and the LPG cylinder will be delivered to you at the desired time.

Delivery in Week days

Under this system, the cylinder of Indane can be delivered on any day from Monday to Friday i.e. week-day. For example, suppose you want delivery on Wednesday and have fixed the delivery time between 11 am to 2 pm, then the cylinder will be delivered to you on the same day and in the same time slot. If you have selected only the time slot but not the day then the cylinder will be delivered in the selected time slot between Monday to Friday.

Weekend Delivery

If you want delivery on Saturday-Sunday i.e. weekend, then you can choose any time slot between 8 am to 6 pm and take delivery. This facility is very convenient for those people who go to office on Monday-Friday or are out for work. They can take delivery of cylinder on Saturday or Sunday holiday.

You can take LPG delivery at the desired time
Day Time Slot

Monday – Sunday 8 am – 11 am
Monday – Sunday 11 am – 3 pm
Monday – Sunday 3 pm – 6 pm
Monday – Friday 6 pm – 8 pm

How much will be charged

  • If you want to take delivery from morning Weekday 8 pm to 6 pm, you will have to pay 25 bucks
  • So if you want to take delivery, ranging from 6 pm to Weekday 8 pm you will have to pay 50 bucks
  • If you Weekend If you want to take delivery between 8 am to 6 pm, then you will have to pay 25 rupees,
  • If you want to take delivery before 8 am in the weekday then you will have to pay 50 rupees
  • But if you want to take any time slot or day If you do not select it, then you do not have to pay any charge.
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