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Home Personal Finance Liquor brands: New update! Big news, These liquor brands will not be...

Liquor brands: New update! Big news, These liquor brands will not be available in Delhi! Government gave a big blow

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Liquor brands: There is bad news for the wine lovers in Delhi. Actually, the government has taken a big decision regarding liquor. Under which now this liquor will not be available in Delhi.

There is bad news for the liquor lovers in Delhi. Now brands like 100 Pipers, Chivas Regal, Blenders Pride and Royal Stag may be discontinued. In fact, the Delhi government has rejected the application for renewal of the sales license of French wine maker Pernad Ricard, the parent company of these brands. The Delhi government has cited the ongoing investigation against the company as the reason behind this decision.

That’s why the canceled application-

According to official sources, the Delhi Government’s Excise Department had decided to cancel Pernad Ricard’s sales license renewal application last week itself. The government had received an application in this regard from the French company in September 2022 itself but it was not accepted at that time. The company then moved the court, which directed the excise department to take a formal decision on it.

Big blow for Perna Rica-

Sources said that it has now been decided to reject Pernad Ricard’s application duly. The decision has been taken in view of the ongoing investigation against the company for violation of the excise policy of the Delhi government. There was no response from the French company Pernad Ricard in this regard. However, the option of appealing against the order or taking recourse to law is open to the company. It is considered a major setback for Pernad’s record.

Second largest wine producer in the world

India is an important market for Pernad Ricard, the world’s second largest wine maker. Its products also include brands such as 100 Pipers, Chivas Regal, Blenders Pride and Royal Stag. Along with this, the Excise Department has also decided to cancel the licenses of Indospirits and Brindco.

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