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HomePersonal FinanceIndian Railways: Passengers Alert! Railway passengers will have to follow these conditions,...

Indian Railways: Passengers Alert! Railway passengers will have to follow these conditions, otherwise they will have to pay 500 rupees fine

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Indian Railways: If you are thinking about rail travel these days, then go out after knowing about these railway rules. Otherwise, you may have to spend more during the tour. Due to the growth of Omicron, the Railways has made it mandatory for everyone to wear a mask.

Indian Railways: The speed of Corona and Omicron is increasing continuously in the country. In such a situation, Indian Railways is also taking very strict steps. Apart from this, where more cases of Corona and Omicron are being reported. Trains there have been cancelled. But, where the trains are running, the railways have made the rules very strict for the passengers. Railways have ordered everyone that now the railways will impose a fine of Rs 500 on the passengers coming to the station without wearing a mask. Western Railway has given this information.

These orders have been implemented by the Railways with immediate effect. So that the passengers traveling do not have to face any problem. Apart from this, the Railways has also decided that this order will remain in force for the coming 6 months. That is, it will be mandatory for people to wear masks for 6 months. It is a different matter that if the situation becomes normal quickly, then this order can be withdrawn ahead of time. Passengers are being informed about this by announcing at every station.

Notice issued to employees

Earlier, Railways used to charge Rs 100 as fine from passengers who did not wear masks. But in view of the increasing influence of Omicron, Western Railway has increased the amount of fine of Rs 100 to Rs 500. Apart from this, in view of the outbreak of the new variant Omicron Virus In India from the Western Railway Ratlam Division, all the Ticket Inspectors, Supervisors of the Division, following the guidelines issued by the Railway Board. And instructions have been issued to all the employees related to ticket checkers through notification.

500 rupees fine will have to be given for not applying mask

While issuing instructions to the employees, the Railways said, ‘Whoever appears in the station premises or train without a mask, a fine of Rs 500 will be charged from him. It is being continuously announced through the industry system at the station to inform the passengers. In this connection, the Railways told the Ticket Inspectors that under the Indian Railways Rules 2021, a fine of up to Rs 500 should be levied on those who do not apply masks in the railway station premises, platform or train. Pictures of passengers who do not wear masks are constantly coming out of railway stations.

Pravesh Maurya
Pravesh Maurya
Pravesh Maurya, has 5 years of experience in writing Finance Content, Entertainment news, Cricket and more. He has done BA in English. He loves to Play Sports and read books in free time. In case of any complain or feedback, please contact me @ businessleaguein@gmail.com


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