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Home Job BRO Recruitment 2023: More than 500 vacancies have come out in BRO,...

BRO Recruitment 2023: More than 500 vacancies have come out in BRO, will get salary up to 56900, know selection & others details

BRO Recruitment 2023

BRO Recruitment 2023: If you have studied up to 10th and want to do a government job, then a golden opportunity has come for you to get a government job in the Road Border Organization, BRO.

BRO Recruitment 2023: If you have studied up to 10th standard and are looking for a government job, then a golden opportunity has come for you to get a job in the Road Border Organization, BRO. That too on more than 500 posts. In such a situation, check all the information about the recruitment today itself and apply as soon as possible.

BRO has released the notification for the recruitment of Radio Mechanic, Operator Communication, Mechanical Transport, Vehicle Mechanic, Driller, Mason, Painter and Waiter posts. Under this, a total of 567 posts are being filled.

Who can apply
Applying candidates should be 10th pass. On the other hand, for mechanic posts, along with 10th pass, ITI certificate should also be there. Talking about the age limit, it is 18-27 years. However, for some posts the maximum age limit is 25 years.

How to apply 
To apply for the posts, candidates will have to visit the official website of BRO at bro.gov.in. Here the application form will have to be filled by going to the recruitment link. After that the application has to be submitted by paying the fee. Note that the application fee is Rs.50. However, there is no fee for SC, ST category candidates.

see notification here

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