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HomeJobHAL Staff Nurse Recruitment 2021: Recruitment for the post of Staff Nurse,...

HAL Staff Nurse Recruitment 2021: Recruitment for the post of Staff Nurse, know what is the qualification, how to apply

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HAL Staff Nurse Recruitment 2021: Hindustan Aeronautics Limited (HAL) has invited applications for the various vacant posts of Staff Nurse, Physiotherapist, Pharmacist and Dresser. Pharma pass candidates can apply for recruitment to various posts of HAL Staff Nurse on 14 December 2021. Let us tell you that in order to apply, candidates will have to go to the official website hal-india.co.in.


Details of Posts
Explain that through this recruitment, the posts of Staff Nurse, Psychotherapist, Pharmacist and Dresser will be recruited. The application has started from 24 November 2021. Whereas the last date to apply is 14 December 2021.

How to Apply and Application Fee
Interested candidates can apply by visiting hal-india.co.in before 14 December. Whereas General OBC candidates will have to pay an application fee of Rs 200. On the other hand, SC, ST and PWD candidates will not have to pay any fee.

Pravesh Maurya
Pravesh Maurya
Pravesh Maurya, has 5 years of experience in writing Finance Content, Entertainment news, Cricket and more. He has done BA in English. He loves to Play Sports and read books in free time. In case of any complain or feedback, please contact me @ businessleaguein@gmail.com


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